SmartBux Create
Create a new SmartBux Card
First attach a smart card reader. Next, click Create Card. It will prompt for your passcode. You can enter a pin or click on the passcode box and enter an alphanumeric passcode. If you enter an alphanumeric passcode, every time you use your card you will need to click on the passcode box and enter the passcode with the keyboard. Then it will ask you to insert a SmartBux card. Last it will display your recovery phrase. The recovery phrase is compatible with the Theta Wallet. (Make sure to write down the recovery phrase and store it in a safe place.)
Check your SmartBux Balance
First attach a smart card reader. Next, click Check Balance. It will display your card's address as a QR code, the current tokens and coins in your wallet, along with their current value in USD.
Recover your SmartBux Card
First attach a smart card reader. Next, click Recover Card. It will then prompt you to enter your 12 word recovery phrase. Enter each word with a space between the words. Then click Recover Card and insert your SmartBux Card.